Soul Stretch Retreats are guided getaways on

Your Healing Journey

There are infinite paths to find your true self + happiness + peace of mind

Some aren’t meant to be walked alone-

stretch your soul with me

We offer high-end healing retreats in the grounding mountains of Blue Ridge or the healing light vortex of Tybee Island

Soul Stretch

/sōl - streCH/


Connect with your divine essence and embody your spirit through the art of mystical, metaphysical healing; remembrance of who you are + why you’re here; clear trauma to hold light + raise your consciousness beyond 3-D.


DAILY PRACTICE of movement, breath work, meditation and journaling to drop you from your mind into your heart—the longest 16 inch journey you’ll ever take.

Your choices create your reality

Each retreat is designed to meet you exactly where you are.

Whether you just want a break from the chaos to rest & refocus or you need to take a deep dive—clear trauma and do some soul healing work.

A weekend in Blue Ridge will remind you how to set and keep healthy boundaries + live with more intention.

Private Retreats and deep dives at Tybee… Well, they’ll change your life!

The stuff that kept you safe has turned into the stuff that keeps you stuck

and when you remember who you are,

before the world told you who you should be

You create Your own Heaven on Earth

Upcoming Retreats

Tybee Soul

Small group | Deep Dive | 5 days

Tybee Island, Georgia

September 18-22, 2024

This Tybee retreat is a group DEEP dive into your soul. If you’ve done some inner work and you’re serious about your healing journey, this is where you want to be. Reconnect with and reparent your inner child. Heal core wounds. Tame your shadow. Set healthy boundaries. Heal trauma on a soul level.

REFOCUS with intention

Small group | Rest + Recharge | Weekend

Blue Ridge, Georgia

January 10th-12th 2025

A weekend at our cozy cottage with like-minded souls curious about self-reflection, intention setting, and personal growth through mindfulness, emotional release, and spiritual connection. It’s time to try something different.

Who am I?

Well, that’s a BIG, big question but lucky for you, I’ve been THROUGH it, done the work and can answer with all honestly -

I’m a Spiritual BADASS

A Weird Barbie mix of teacher, healer and channel—dressed up as a nature-lovin’, GenX Mom with a mystical connection to Source energy that

I couldn't f*ck up if I tried, and believe me, I tried.

It took me 47 years to know I’m not too sensitive, fat or weird. I’ve spent the past decade healing out of a toxic family system while cultivating the courage to live a life true to myself, not a life spent making everyone else happy.

I can help you move through all that muck without so many tower moments, breakdowns & dark nights of the soul.

I’ve been where you are.

I know what it feels like to be married to misery and flirt with the subconscious, slow suicide of self-sabotage.

Some days you’re shocked you’re still here.

All this makes me uniquely qualified to help you…

Well, I suppose all that AND my actual qualifications:

Lifeworks Life Coach | RYT 200 | Usui Reiki Master | Yoga 12 Step Recovery | Trauma Certified | Internal Family Systems Informed Facilitator

I’m Sarah, and I’m here to guide you back to your SOUL

A few love notes from past guests

Ryan Brennan

“Sarah’s Retreats are intimate, life changing & a combination of personal development with a Spa vibe! I have been on multiple of her retreats at this point and each one gets better! You get a extremely relaxing environment either tucked away in the mountains or on the beach. There are activities sprinkled throughout the day such as journaling, yoga, hiking, beach walks, group shares and so much more! On the downtown there’s breakfast, lunch & dinner prepared by an IN HOUSE CHEF at your request. DELICIOUS. I can’t explain enough how relaxing, growth-oriented & life changing these get aways are. The room you stay in is SO THERAPEUTIC in a calming way. If you are skeptical because you might not know Sarah or the people going, trust that you found this option for a reason and the people turn out to be like-minded with similar goals, struggles and more every time :) Thank you Sarah!!!”

Erica Carden

“I have been trying to find the correct verbiage to use for this review. I don’t think there are any amount of beautiful words to say, to express what this retreat did for me.

When I reached out to Sarah, I was having the lowest day of my life. I literally felt paralyzed in my grief and pain that I was experiencing. I believe in divine interventions. This day that I am speaking of, I asked spirit to show me my next steps to overcome the emotional state that I was in. I realized it was a test, and I knew I had to pass it this time. I opened up my phone, and there was a Soulstretch Retreats ad. I didn’t follow her, and I have no mutual friends (or I didn’t have) that follow her. So divine interventions were placed upon my lap that day.

I booked a 3day/2night personal retreat with her in Blue Ridge, GA. From the time I booked this retreat, Sarah started doing energy work on me. She was so detailed in every single little aspect of this. Upon arrival, I was greeted by Sarah and her adorable little pup Walker. Sarah opened her home to me and treated me like I was family.

She had my room so cozy and inviting, with little details specifically adorned to me. She prepared amazing healthy foods for us to eat. She made sure to incorporate my diet preferences in every meal. There was a-lot of love and patience put into everything, and I could even taste and feel it in the foods she prepared.

This was THE MOST MASSIVE trauma healing I have ever experienced. She is absolutely AMAZING at the work she does. She introduced me to parts of myself, that I didn’t even realize were there. She cleared and released me of many past traumas. I physically felt them falling out of my body by muscle contractions.

Sarah took me on a past life regression session, and the information that we found out from that was totally MIND BLOWING.

She has given me a daily guide to follow for 30 days, and a life time of tools to use for myself and to help others.

We hiked, had picnics in running streams, and did SO much healing.

If you are thinking about doing a retreat with her, stop looking! I recommend you reaching out to her and getting that spot booked. Sarah IS the REAL thing! She is a beautiful soul that is on a mission to change the world. I am so thankful and grateful that the Universe aligned me with her. She will forever be a part of me. I am proud to call her my friend.

She has changed my life! I left that old version of myself somewhere between Blue Ridge, Ga, and Shelby Alabama”.

Shanna Crain

“Over the past eight years I have watched Sarah evolve into a highly intuitive, astute, compassionate, and empathetic spiritual healer/teacher/guide. I have had numerous sessions with her, and each time she takes me deeper to my soul level and guides me to recognize what is holding me back from becoming a higher version of myself. Her soothing voice always makes me feel safe as I work on healing inner child traumas. She uses various effective techniques to clear blockages, restore energy, and has taught me to protect myself from unwanted energies.

She tunes into my energy before our session and what she intuits needs to be worked on is always in alignment with what I have been struggling with. She has given me so many tools to use daily to keep myself grounded between sessions. I attended a retreat with Sarah on Tybee Island which for me was really out of my comfort zone. By the end of the weekend, we had all bared our souls and worked through many issues that we had not recognized before. We all felt safe, there was no judgement, we learned so much about this evolution process. I look forward to many more years of Sarah being my guide by my side!!”

Feeling totally lost and not sure if retreats are right for you?

Take this quiz to see where you are on your healing journey and figure out your next life step